Gonorrhea Treatment

gonorrhea treatment

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Gonorrhea Treatment

Quantities 2000mg + 400mg
6 £39.99

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1 £35.00
Registered UK Pharmacy number 9012073

Medication features

Gonorrhoea Treatment is an antibiotic medicine used to treat the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhoea. It contains two antibiotic tablets - azithromycin and cefixime.

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  • Effectively treats Gonorrhea
  • Single dose treatment
  • Easy to take

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What is Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) which is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus. Gonorrhea was formerly referred to as "the clap" as a slang term to refer to the condition. The bacteria can be found mainly in discharge from the penis and inside vaginal fluid. Gonorrhea can be easily passed between people through vaginal, oral or anal sex and through sharing sex toys, such as vibrators that have not been washed or covered with a new condom each time they are used. The bacteria can infect the entrance of the womb (cervix), the tube that passes urine out of the body (urethra), the rectum and less commonly the throat or eyes. The infection can be passed from pregnant women to the baby. If you are pregnant and think you may have gonorrhea, it is important that you get tested and treated before your baby is born.


Side Effects
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Side-effects with the treatment for Gonorrhea are not very common and not everyone gets them, however they are usually diarrhoea, abdominal pain/discomfort and nausea. For more information on the side-effects associated with Azithromycin, please refer to the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) and for a comprehensive list of side-effects associated with Cefixime, please refer to the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL).

How do I treat Gonorrhea?
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Antibiotics are a second line treatment for Gonorrhea; the first line treatment is usually an injection and the tablets are taken by people who would prefer taking tablets over an injection. The antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea are Azithromycin and Suprax (Cefixime). The antibiotic treatment consists of SIX TABLETS taken as a SINGLE DOSE. In order to adequately treat Gonorrhea, our doctors will prescribe 2X 200mg Suprax tablets and 4x 500mg Azithromycin tablets. The correct antibiotic treatment described previous for the treatment of Gonorrhea has been shown to be 95% effective in completely clearing the infection.

After you have completed your treatment, you must wait 7-days before you have sex again to avoid you or your partner(s) getting infected again. You and your partner(s) should be treated for Gonorrhea if you have been tested and diagnosed.

It is important to seek treatment from your doctor or any other UK registered online pharmacy if you have been diagnosed. Untreated Gonorrhea can cause serious and permanent health problems such as abdominal pain. It can also increase your chances of contracting HIV in both men and women and can cause infertility. In rare cases, Gonorrhea can spread to your blood and tissue and cause life threatening conditions such as sepsis.

Symptoms of Gonorrhea
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Typical symptoms of Gonorrhea include a thick green or yellow discharge from the vagina or penis, pain when urinating and in women bleeding between periods. Around 1 in 10 men, whom have been infected and almost 50% of women do not experience any symptoms at all. If you are worried that you have contracted Gonorrhea, it is imperative you get tested as soon as possible. More information about the symptoms associated with Gonorrhea can be found here.

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Gonorrhea Treatment FAQs
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What is Gonorrhoea?

Gonorrhoea is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) caused by a bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus. It used to be known as "the clap". The bacteria can live in warm, moist parts of the body such as the throat, rectum, penis and vagina. If left untreated it can cause infertility in both men and women. 

How Does Gonorrhoea Spread?

The bacteria that cause gonorrhoea are mainly gounf in discharge from the penis and in vaginal fluid. Gonorrhoea can easily be passed between people through:

  • Unprotected vaginal, oral or anal sex.
  • Sharing vibrators or other sex toys that have not been washed or covered with a new condom each time they are used.

The bacteria is able to infect the entrance to the womb in women (cervix), the tube that passes urine out of the body (urethra), the rectum and also the throat and eyes (not common). The infection also has the ability to be spread from a pregnany women to her baby. If you are pregnany and have gonorrhoea, is it important that you get tested and treated before the baby is born. Without treatment, gonorrhoea can cause permanent blindness in a newborn baby. 

Gonorrhoea CANNOT be spread by kissing, hugging, swimming pools, toilet seats or sharing of baths, towels, cups, plates or cutlery. The bacteria CANNOT survive OUTSIDE the human body for long. 

Gonorrhoea Symptoms

In many cases, gonorrohoea can be symptomless. However, if present, symptoms can affect many sites of the body but most commonly will appear in the genital tract. 

Gonorrhoea Affecting The Genital Tract in Men and Women

Signs and symptoms of gonorrhoea infection in women include:

  • Painful urination
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Abodminal or pelvic pain
  • Vaginal bleeding between periods (e.g after vaginal intercourse)

Signs and symptoms of gonorrhoea infection in men include: 

  • Pus-like discharge from the tip of the penis
  • Pain or swelling in one testicle
  • Pain on urination
Gonorrhoea Affecting Other Parts of The Body
  • Eyes - Gonorrohea affecting the eyes is not all that common, however symptoms include hyper sensitivity to light, pain in the eye, and a pus-like discharge from one or both eyes.
  • Joints - If one or more of your joints become infected with the bacteria the affected joints may become warm, red, swollen and very painful durin rest and especially when moving. This type of infections is known as septic arthritis. 
  • Rectum - Signs and symptoms associated with infection of the rectum include anal itching, a pus-like discharge from the rectum, spots of bright red blood on toilet tissue and having to strain during bowel movements.
  • Throat - If your throat is infected with the bacteria you might experience a sore throat and swollen lymphnodes in the neck. These symptoms are however rather common with many infections so it is not safe to assume you have gonorrhoea in your throat if these are the only symptoms you have. If you do suspect infection in your throat then you must undergo furhter investigation using a testing method, 

Who is More Likely to Get Gonorrhoea?

Everyone is susceptible to gonorrohea if you are engaging in unprotected sexual activities if an infected individual, however sexually active women under the age of 25 and men who have sex with other men are at the highest risk of getting gonorrhoea. Other risk factors associated with increased likelihood of getting gonorrhoea include: 

  • Having a sexual partner who has other sexual partners
  • Having had a previous history of sexually trasnmitted infections
  • Having had Gonorrohea in the past
  • Being immunocompromised and having unprotected sex with multople partners
  • Having a sex partner 

How Can I Prevent Gonorrhoea?

The more sexual partners you have and the more you have sex, the more likely you are to get a sexually transmitted infection, including gonorrhoea. Using condoms or femdoms for penetrative sex and dental dams for oral sex will significantly reduce your risk of contracting gonorrhoea. To further reduce your risk of getting gonorrhoea, you can use a condom as well as a dental dam for oral sex. Please note, you can still contract gonorrhoea if neither partner cums. 

Should I Get Tested for Gonorrhoea After I Have Taken Treatment?

The current recommended treatment for gonorrhoea is an antibiotic injection in the buttock and a tablet combination. If you however don't have access to a sexual health clinic or have a phobia of needles, current NICE guidlines indicate that combination oral antibiotics can be taken to cure gonorrhoea. 

7-10 days following your dose, you MUST get tested. You must also inform all sexual partners even if you believe you have had protected sex.

I Was Treated for Gonorrhoea, When Can I Have Sex Again?

You must get re-tested 7-10 days after your treatment before you have have sexual intercourse again. In order to avoid getting infected with gonorrhoea again or spreading gonorrhoea to your partner(s) you and your partner(s) must avoid having sex until you have completed the treatment, been re-tested and received NEGATIVE results for your gonorrhoea test.

If you have contracted gonorrhoea once and received treatment, this DOES NOT MEAN you are immune, you can contract gonorrhoea again; please remain vigilant. 

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2000mg + 400mg 6 £39.99